CAD tools

For future and existing engineers

Software is specially designed to help students and engineers to solve problems. Easy to learn, an intuitive interface and user-friendly design.


Module for calculating statically determinate structures, including support reactions and internal forces.


Module for calculating statically determinate trusses using the method of Joints, the method of Sections (Ritter) and the Cremona-Maxwell method, and determining the Influence Lines.


The module allows to calculate, among others: moments of inertia, core of a cross section, Mohr circle, ellipse of inertia, strength index, Eccentric Tension-Compression.


Module for calculating statically indeterminate structures using the classical displacement method. Calculation of structures subjected to external loads, temperature changes, linear and angular displacements.


Module for calculating statically indeterminate structures using the force method. Calculation of structures subjected to external loads, temperature changes, linear and angular displacements.


Module for calculating statically determinate and undeterminate structures using the Finite Element Method (FEM).


Module for calculating statically determinate structure using the Principle of Virtual Work (PVW).


Module for calculating deflection using the Clebsch Method (Macaulay method).

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